Monday 27 January 2014

puzzle nail art

I like this nail art, it can be done with any colors of your choice and it’s not too difficult, it’s all about straight lines and precision . it’s not for beginners, what l’m saying it it’s not extremely hard to achieve :) first thing to do is picking four colors and then paint each nails with all of them; squares don’t have to be all the same size, I intentionally drew them in different shapes to make it funnier! Once you’ve done that you’ll line them with black acrylic paint and a striper brush. You will then move on to a dotting tool (or a toothpick) to make dots overlapping each shape, first with black and then you’ll fill it in with color.

Italian version:

Ecco una nail art che trovo molto carina e non troppo difficile! Potete scegliere i quattro colori che preferite, e poi si tratta di essere precise nelle linee e nei contorni. Non è per chi sta cominciando ad avvicinarsi alla nail art, questo no, ma non è neanche super complicata! La prima cosa da fare è decidere quali colori volete usare, e dipingere ogni unghia con tutti e quattro; i quadrati non devono essere tutti uguali, anzi io li ho volutamente fatti di diverse misure per movimentare la nail art e renderla più divertente! Una volta fatto, vi servirà uno striper brush per delinearli, ed io ho usato colore acrilico nero. Poi prendete un dotting tool o anche uno stuzzicadenti e fate dei pallini su ogni riquadro, prima in nero e poi riempiteli di colore.

Products used:

ciatè nail polish pp057 headliner

zoya nail polish in perrie 

kiko nail polish nr 360 

kiko 3 in 1 shine fortyfing base and top coat

wet n wild nail polish in orange

kiko nail polish nr 270

kiko nail polish nr 389

Americana acrylic paint in black



  1. i have never tried puzlle nails ,and your nail art is so cute and girly !

  2. thank you, lm sure it will be super easy for you :) just pick your favourite colors!

  3. omg, u post sooo much, something new every single day, i love reading ur blog - n i absolutely love ur nails. this is a true work of art. u come up with so many beautiful designs silvia, amazing! <3

  4. ehm yes maybe a bit too much *blush* lm thinking of posting a bit less! thank you you're sweeet!! ♥


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