Tuesday 3 December 2013

Rudolph the clumsy red nose reindeer nail art

Oh no, what’s happened to our Rudolph? It seems he got all tangled up in Christmas lights while he was helping Santa putting them up! They’re all around his antlers and elves are laughing so hard! Poor Rudolph, he’s such a clumsy reindeer! Don’t you worry though, there’s an elf called Donner who’s already helping him and he will be soon back to his happy self but I managed to frame this moment on my nails with silver background and lots of colored lights ! And you, have you put your Christmas decorations up?Are you as clumsy as Rudolph? 

Italian version:

Oh no, cosa è successo al nostro Rudolph? Sembrerebbe proprio che sia rimasto intrappolato tra le luci di natale mentre stava aiutando Babbo Natale a sistemare le decorazioni natalizie! Le luci gli si sono aggrovigliate intorno alle corna e gli elfi stanno ridendo alle sue spalle! Povero Rudolph, è proprio una renna pasticciona! Non vi preoccupate, c’è già un elfo, Donner, pronto ad aiutarlo e vedrete che a breve ritornerà il solito allegro Rudolph di sempre ma sono riuscita ad immortalare il momento sulle mie unghie con sfondo color argento e tante luci colorate! E voi, avete già decorato la vostra casa? Anche voi siete pasticcioni come Rudolph?

Products used:

Kiko mirror nail polish in 616

Kiko 3 in 1 shine fortyfing base and top coat

China glaze nail polish in re-fresh mint nr 867

Kiko celebration nail polish nr 423

Kiko nail polish nr 241

Sinful colors in nail junkie nr 927 

Kiko nail polish nr 322

Kiko nail polish nr 244

Americana acryilic paints in red, white, blue, black,yellow and green

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